Speech in Noise Tests
Given that people with hearing loss commonly have the greatest difficulty understanding speech in the presence of background noise, it makes sense that speech discrimination tests are also performed with the addition of a “noise” stimulus. This is often a ‘speech babble’ played at different volumes relative the loudness of the speech (words or phrases). The client responds by guessing the word or phrase that was spoken in the presence of background noise, and results are tallied.
Aided vs Unaided Tests
Following the fitting of a hearing device, an Audiologist will run the tests again to compare how their client is able to perform in the speech discrimination tests with the benefit of a hearing aid compared to when they are not wearing a hearing aid.
Tympanometry and Reflex Tests
Tympanometers measure the movement and flexibility of the eardrum to identify it is performing normally. Results may indicate a problem in the middle ear that can cause a conductive hearing loss.
Pediatric hearing assessment (3 years and above)
When testing children, we use a range of techniques to help them help us. Play audiometry involves testing the child’s hearing when headphones are worn. It works the same way as pure tone audiometry (person indicates when they can hear a tone), except when the child hears a tone, they put a marble in a marble race, press a computer key or put a piece in a puzzle.
Having trouble with your hearing aid?
If you are being frustrated with a hearing aid not meeting your expectations, contact Expert Hearing Care to arrange an adjustment. We service and repairs all makes and models of hearing aids, including Oticon, Phonak, Unitron, Starkey, Widex, Sonic, Bernafon ReSound and Siemens hearing aids.
We can also arrange for the replacement of hearing aid parts that are not working and supply all of your needs for hearing aid batteries.
Custom ear plugs/noise plugs
Ear protection is extremely important when you are exposed regularly to noise. The best form of protection is custom fitted, noise-attenuating ear plugs which you can have fitted at Expert Hearing Care.
Swimmers ear plugs
If you swim and are affected by swimmers ear, we can make you some custom fitted earplugs and you can continue to enjoy the water unaffected.