People with profound hearing losses often need more amplification than a standard hearing aid can provide. When you have a hearing loss, your ears have difficulty picking up sounds and your brain tries to fill in the gaps. This is even more pronounced when you have a severe-to-profound hearing loss. It means that keeping up with what is going on around you can be incredibly difficult, not to mention exhausting.
Power hearing aids typically include a larger case that sits behind the ear, and earmoulds that sit within the ear to ensure sound does not escape. As they require more power, batteries are also usually larger too.
Our clients with profound losses typically look for a device that restores their ability to follow conversations, particularly in difficult environments (i.e. wind, noisy). In choosing the Best-in-Class our experts looked for the best performance for a range of lifestyles and budgets, while being in a case that is as discreet as possible.